St. Nick’s Mart Vendor Information
Link to online payments for vendor application fees ($30; $5 electrical fee)
Proceeds from this event will benefit the Friends of the Villa Park Library, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The Friends act as advocates for the library; sponsoring programs and fundraising events, promoting the Library within the community, and helping to improve the Library facilities and services. The Friends of the Villa Park Library mission is:
To Promote…the library and provide improved services, educational programs and facilities within the library community.
To Enhance…the library collection and support for services beyond the library budget.
To Offer…a forum to generate ideas and visions for future growth.
Vendor applications will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. Registration is not complete until full payment is received. Applications will be available beginning Sunday, October 1, 2023. The deadline for applications is Wednesday, November 1, 2023 (with full payment). A representative of the Friends of Villa Park Library will contact you once your application has been reviewed and accepted. Applications will be processed in the order they are received. The maximum number of vendors allowed is 30.
The St. Nick’s Mart will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2023, from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. This event will be held indoors at the Villa Park Public Library, located at 305 S. Ardmore Avenue, Villa Park, IL 60181.
The fee for this event is $30.00 which includes one table and two chairs. Optional electricity fee is $5.00 per booth.
- Vendors may keep all proceeds sold at the event. Any applicable taxes are the sole responsibility of the vendor.
- Vendors are responsible for having plenty of change on hand for their merchandise sales, as the Friends will not be able to make change for any sales. Distribution of advertising materials outside of your assigned booth space is not permitted.
The following methods of payment will be accepted:
- Checks made payable to: Friends of the Villa Park Library
- Credit/Debit cards
- Cash
Electric outlets are limited. We will fill these spots in order of accepted applications. Any electrical requirements must be submitted on the vendor application form, and the deadline for submitting electrical requirements will be Wednesday, November 1, 2023. The optional electricity fee is $5.00 per booth. One power strip will be supplied per booth.
The set-up date is Saturday, December 2 from 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. All vendors must be prepared to sell at opening time (5:00 p.m.).
Refunds will only be issued prior to the deadline date of November 1, 2023 and only when the exhibitor’s fee and application have been confirmed as received.
- Cancellations made prior to November 1, 2023 receive a full refund.
- Cancellations made after November 1, 2023 are non-refundable.
The Friends of the Villa Park Library reserve the right to prohibit any display that is offensive or inappropriate. If selling food, vendors must apply for a Cottage Food Operation Permit. This permit must be on display throughout the event. It is the responsibility of vendors selling food items to provide the necessary paperwork to the DuPage County Health Department. More information can be found here: Food-Operation-Laws and the permit application can be found here:
All vendors selling food for human or pet consumption, or products applied to the skin (soap, skincare, etc.) are responsible for having product liability insurance. The Friends of the Villa Park Library and the Villa Park Public Library do not provide insurance. Any needed insurance must be provided and paid by the vendor.
Teardown must be completed by 9:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 2, 2023. Exhibitors will leave premises in clean condition, removing all garbage/waste of any kind prior to leaving. Any damage to structure, property, or the premises shall be paid for in full by the exhibitor. No items may be left at the library.
The vendor application deadline is Wednesday, November 1, 2023 in order to be included in any publicity for this event. Applications received after November 1 may not be included in any of the event’s publicity.
For more information or questions about this event, please email the Friends at: